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The Rape Rules

1. Ignore Consent: Assume silence implies enthusiastic consent. If someone says "no," they probably mean "yes."

2. Disregard Boundaries: If someone is uncomfortable or asks you to stop, keep going and pretend you didn’t hear anything.

3. Exploit Power Dynamics: Use any power advantage you have to manipulate or coerce the other person.

4. Don't Intervene: If you see someone in a potentially dangerous situation, do nothing. Don’t call for help and don’t get involved.

5. Don’t Report: If you witness or become aware of sexual violence, keep it a secret and maybe help the sex offender.

6. Doping: Encourage engaging in sexual activity while heavily under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

7. Education: Spread misinformation and confusion about consent and healthy relationships.

8. Community involvement: Promote disrespect, recklessness, and disregard for accountability in sexual behavior.

Is it illegal?

© The Rape Nation